Solids > Series of parallel cross sections
12345Series of parallel cross sections


Exercise 1

Shown is a prism A B C . D E F that has two square sides. These squares have edges of 4 cm. Furthermore it is given that: B A C = 90 ° , B G = 1 and C H = 1 .


Construct a cross-section through point B and parallel with plane G H D .


Construct a cross-section through the center of M of B E and parallel to plane G H D .


What does a cross-section of a plane through E and parallel with plane G H D look like?

Exercise 2

Of this eight sided figure A B C D . E F G H the base A B C D is a square of 4 bij 4 , the height is 4 and the top side D E F G a square with diagonals of 2 units. A horizontal cross-section has been drawn through the centers of all upright edges of this figure.

Construct a series of five life sized cross-sections parallel to the drawn plane. The cross-sections are spaced 1 unit apart and the drawn plane is one of the five cross-sections.

Exercise 3

A series of vertical cross-sections of a solid is shown here. The distance between the cross-sections is 0,5 cm.

Draw a parallel projection of this solid.

Exercise 4

Here you see the cross-section of the plane through P , Q and R and the regular three sided prism A B C . D E F .

Use this to draw a parallel cross-section through point A and a cross-section parallel to this through the center M of edge B E .

Exercise 5

Draw a series of parallel cross-sections of a cone, parallel to its axis. The distance betwee the cross-sections is 1 cm. the cone has a height of 5 cm and the radius of the base circle is 3 cm. Show your approach, give any necessary calculations.

Exercise 6

Draw a series of parallel cross-sections of a sphere with radius 3 cm. The distance between the cross-sections is 1 cm. Show your approach, give any necessary calculations.

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